High-Quality Interior and Exterior Painters Based in Sydney
We have proven expertise in a range of painting projects in both the residential and commercial

Trusted by:

Your Friendly Painting Professionals

18 Years’ Experience

Punctual, Neat and Courteous

Interior and Exterior

Commercial and Residential

Personalised Service

Up-to-date Technology

Premium Product Range

Professional Painters

Fully licensed, Registered and Insured

Satisfaction Guarantee

We offer Value

Friendly Service
Painting services

Residential painting

Commercial painting

Committed to Quality Since 2002

Why choose us

We pride ourselves on providing quality painting and maintenance services that bring your home to its full aesthetic potential, internally and externally. We have an impressive list of returning customers purely because we offer personal, courteous and punctual tradesmen that use premium products and pay attention to detail to achieve the look you desire for your entire home.

We Service All Sydney Suburbs
Aqua Painting Services always welcomes a face to face meeting with our clients. We value the opportunity to assess the job and to discuss and offer the best options and solutions in paints, techniques, colour schemes and approaches for your project. We want to be sure that we translate your visions for your home or business.
We provide professional advice because we care about customer satisfaction and the final result.