Painters Coogee
Trusted by:
South East Sydney Painters Coogee
Aqua Painting Services specialises in all forms of painting. We paint exterior surfaces of all residential and commercial buildings and provide free consultations and quotes. We are consistently recommended by local businesses and private property owners in Coogee because we provide quality workmanship and have over 18 years of technical experience to offer.
We keep up with the latest trends and advancements in painting technologies so that we are always ahead of the pack providing our clients the most up to date guidance and superior painting results.
Our Services include:
Exterior and Interior commercial projects
Exterior and interior residential projects
Heritage painting projects
Lead Based paint removal
Wood treatment
Specialist finishes
Anti-graffiti systems
High-pressure water cleaning
Need Professional Painters?
Our team of painters are fully qualified, registered and insured. Whether your project is a small once of job or a large ongoing maintenance project, we undertake each job with the same attention to detail and professionalism every time.
High-quality results
Skilled professional painters
Professional equipment
Top paint brands
Competitive rates
Licensed, Registered and Insured
Colour consultant service
Our approach is unique to each job because we value each client’s needs. We don’t believe in taking short cuts and we don’t consider the job finished until you’re completely satisfied. Trust our team to manage your next painting project, you will not be disappointed.
Interior and Exterior Painters Coogee
House Painting
We pride ourselves on creating beautiful spaces and quality paint finishes that bring your home to its full aesthetic potential. We manage all interior and exterior home painting jobs from a simple one-room repaint to a completely new home makeover. We know that Coogee homes are continuously exposed to the abrasive ocean environment, so we make sure your home is protected with quality products that last. We love what we do for homeowners because nothing makes a greater first impression than a fresh coat of paint.
Commercial Painting
We have proven expertise across a range of painting projects in the commercial sector and have developed a strong reputation for quality painting services. We understand that ensuring minimal downtime from everyday business operations is critical and pride ourselves on our ability to manage deadlines without compromising on quality workmanship.
Affordable Painters Coogee
Our team have over 18 years of experience and can offer sound advice to guide you through the process of selecting a colour, best paints available for your surface application and suitable paint techniques.
Our tradesmen are exceptionally talented and pay attention to detail to achieve the look you desire for your entire home.
If you’re hesitating to paint because of concerns over time, costs or colour choices, call us today we have helped hundreds of home and business owners in Coogee achieve exactly what they want.